Tuesday 21 October 2008

Travelodge: Where Unpleasantness Comes As Standard: UPDATE

I have a feeling that Travelodge PR may want to rethink this whole thing. More people have sent me this one press release than any other. Here are two particularly piquant emails I've just had:

This is a true stinker that has now turned up three times in my inbox. Where do I start? "Oggies" are Cornish pasties, not pies, idiot (I'm Cornish, see). Southgate, Crouch End and the environs where Ms "Whinemouth" grew up, are very definitely not in East London. A "piazza" is a town square in Italian, not Spanish- you mean a "plaza". The German word for sausage is "wurst", not "wiener". And worst of all, Lily Allen is now a cockney? Have Bow Bells moved to Hammersmith? This PR must be thicker than the British public, dagnamit.

The first refuge for a f*ckwit PR - surveys! But have you ever seen a more pathetic attempt to weld a client to a survey and then weld the survey to a very tenuous showbiz link than this one?

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