Monday, 14 April 2008

Delusional Behaviour

I love this one. In what bizarre and terrible universe does something called April Smoosh playing a gig at a small basement venue on a Tuesday, or some other also-ran playing a bar round the back of King's Cross become "essential viewing"?

------ Forwarded Message
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 14:03:16 +0100
Subject: stone immaculate gigs this week....A QUICK REMINDER ABOUT SOME ESSENTIAL VIEWING THIS WEEK!
Tomorrow, TUESDAY 15TH APRIL SMOOSH at The Borderline, W1
then WEDNESDAY 16TH APRIL, MORTON VALENCE at The Big Chill House, N1
and most excitingly.....also on WEDNESDAY 16th
legendary 60s guitarist PETER WALKER at Cafe Oto, E8
We will be working with Peter on new material and a BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH


monkey_business said...

My favourite thing here is that Smoosh are such non-essential viewing that it is possible to combine the name of the band with the date and not realise the mistake.

I sincerely hope this is an innocent mistake on your part, as it really underlines the pointlessness of the release. Also, April Smoosh sounds better than Smoosh. Maybe you've done them a favour?

Lost In Showbiz said...

Ha! Now THAT'S pointless!