Friday 25 July 2008

Have You Got Any Nuclear Waste, Mate?

I know it's all business and that this is the 21st Century (man) and all that, but a phrase like, "Faction Music is a new global brand (that has been) rebranding and refocusing its operation, and is now looking to establish itself as a record label" just makes me feel like my entire life has suddenly been made a little more grey and tedious. On the upside, we can all look forward to the new waxing by Nuclear Waste. So that's good. Unless, of course, you're the person who received this, because then you might be tempted to send it to me with a note reading:

This one has made lose the will to live. I am not effing interested in their global effing strategy, even if it is on a global effing scale...

From: Sam Jones []
Sent: 23 July 2008 16:00
Subject: Faction Music


Faction Music is a new global brand HOW CAN YOU BE A "NEW" GLOBAL BRAND? set up by the former members of the 'd.fazed' promotion collective in Manchester. Over the last six months, Faction has been rebranding and refocusing its operation, and is now looking to establish itself as a record label. Please refer to the literature attached for an overview of what we hope to achieve longer-term, not only in terms of releasing music, but also expanding our promotional activities and establishing a fully-fledged design studio.

The Faction website is nearing the end of the design process, and we are currently negotiating with the owner for a fee for We feel it is imperative to have a '.com' domain, as we aim to compete on a global scale. GOOD LUCK WITH THAT. Until this has been resolved, Faction will be maintaining its visibility on relevant social networking sites(TRANS: WE HAVE A MYSPACE PAGE).

Faction Digital will launch with a selection of four tracks. This release will showcase the uncompromising aesthetic of the music we believe in, and the accompanying artwork will familiarise the market with the label's strong visual identity. The tracks destined for release 001 are:

Amex - Krypton

Paperclip - Casual Virus

Nuclear Waste - Corrupted

Walder & Boro - Toolgrinding

These can all be heard at, in the music player in the top right of the page. In future, Faction Digital will function not only as a breeding ground for new talent, but as a vital platform for the label generally. We have 2 tracks lined up for the second release and plan to sign more once a release date is set for the first. With this approach, we can get the newest, freshest music out to our customers.

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